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Persona Profile: Chupsin


Name: Chupsin
Age: 35
Birthday: m2 d16
Rank: Senior Journeyman Healer
Location: Amber Hills Hold
Craft: Healer
Craft Rank: Senior Journeyman
Speciality: General

Crayon Awards: Favorite Victim (March 2013)

Physical Description of Persona:
Chupsin is of average hight with bright clear blue eyes and dark brown hair. His jaw is strong with a smile that could be considered handsome if there wasn't something also a bit condescending about it.

Emotional Description of Persona:
As one of the few that left Amber Hills to study in an actual Craft Hall, Chupsin is extremely fortunate and unique. What's worse, he knows
it. He was always one of the top of his class, in harper classes and later at the Hall. Because of that, he believes he knows better than everyone and that he is destined for greatness above and beyond just a general practitioner in the Hold. For that he knows a little help from the Lord Holder and his family can't hurt...

History of Persona:
Being the only boy in a family of five children made Chupsin stand out from the moment he was born. His mother and father doted on him, and had
mighty great expectations for their youngest child. Chupsin did not disappoint. Though he worked hard for everything he earned, he was
convinced it was his natural, raw brilliance that has allowed him to stand out from among the rest. When the Lord Holder decided it was time to send one of their boys to the Healer Hall to learn the craft from the Masters, Chupsin seemed the logical choice.

Unlike most boys of the Hold, Chupsin has been outside Amber Hills, has connections far and wide, and has experienced what a life of relative
comfort and ease can be. Because of his travels and the time spent beyond their borders, not to mention a first class craft training, he believes he knows much more about life, about Pern, and about intellectual matters than any of those he had been raised with. For that reason it irks him to no end that no one at the Hold seems to appreciate his value and worth. He knows its only natural for them to be envious of his intelligence and talent, and is sure it is only a matter of time before he will be given the recognition he knows he deserves.

Family and Friends
Sinla, 43, Hold Resident, Amber Hills Hold (sister)
Makarl, 51, Master Crafter, Amber Hills Hold (brother-in-law)
Genna, 21, Wingrider, A Wing, NPC Weyr (niece)
Chaysea, 36, Hold Resident, Emerald Falls Hold (sister)


Tourniquet, Bronze Firelizard: aged 15, hatched m9 d21
Tourniquet is exceptionally well behaved, and Chupsin believes is probably one of the smartest bronzes on Pern. Of course, he would expect no less of his firelizard. He was not going to stand for some ferral pet that would dash in and out whenever he pleased. No, he only comes to the infirmary when called, and the bronze is quite happy to bathe in the sun or bask in front of a fire with the female flits of the Hold when his lifemate doesn't require him.

Approved: April 17th 2006
Last updated: April 22nd 2024

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.