Welcome to Triad Weyrs!

January Bonus Locations
Persona Creation: Printer Hall
Posting Bonus: Emerald Falls Hold & Vintner Hall


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Triad Weyrs Calendars

Our calendars contain a daily weather report for each location, notices of important events such as Threadfall and Gathers, and the short stories written by our members.

Latest Stories

    Apprentice Mistakes
    Ryvankal injures his head and sees Vandor.
    Writers: AL, Halyonix
    Characters: Vandor, Ryvankal

    You Look... Familiar?
    A'khal welcomes a new transfer to the Wing
    Writers: Heather, Sia
    Characters: A'khal, E'ben

    Curiosity Attracts
    The two meet at at the Printer Hall's library.
    Writers: AL, Sia
    Characters: Aleriand, Claranel

    Important Diplomatic Conversation
    N’kevyn runs into the Weyrleader of Dolphin Cove
    Writers: Devin, Shawna
    Characters: N'kevyn, N'vanik

    One Step at a Time
    Gil has breakfast with Tr'vel and his wingmates
    Writers: Devin, Estelle
    Characters: Tr'vel, Gilbek, D'stan, I'lek, Ochyra, Terella

    A New Look
    Tirraze shows off her new haircut.
    Writers: Aaron, Devin, Halyonix, Shawna
    Characters: Cirina, Oriene, Saedyna, Tirraze

    I Had Kinda Hoped
    Ç'pier expresses his unexpected disappointment with his wing assignment.
    Writers: Aaron, Devin
    Characters: Ç'pier, R'lor

    She's Gonna Feel That in the Morning
    Lyani is not Vandor's best patient, but at least she's fun.
    Writers: AL, Heather
    Characters: Vandor, Lyani

    Choosing Day
    Important pre Flight decisions are made
    Writers: Devin, Steel
    Characters: V'tian, T'lin

    An Ambassador of a Different Kind
    Ki’ben visits a girl he’s been seeing on the side.
    Writers: AL, Heather
    Characters: K'yne, Ki'ben, Vadira

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.