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Triad Weyrs - Stories (1 - 25, most recent first)

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Apprentice Mistakes
Ryvankal injures his head and sees Vandor.
Writers: AL, Halyonix
Characters: Vandor, Ryvankal

Curiosity Attracts
The two meet at at the Printer Hall's library.
Writers: AL, Sia
Characters: Aleriand, Claranel

You Look... Familiar?
A'khal welcomes a new transfer to the Wing
Writers: Heather, Sia
Characters: A'khal, E'ben

Important Diplomatic Conversation
N’kevyn runs into the Weyrleader of Dolphin Cove
Writers: Devin, Shawna
Characters: N'kevyn, N'vanik

An Ambassador of a Different Kind
Ki’ben visits a girl he’s been seeing on the side.
Writers: AL, Heather
Characters: K'yne, Ki'ben, Vadira

M'kall wants to ask Tsaera on a date - so he does.
Writers: Heather, Yvonne
Characters: Tsaera, M'kall

Congratulations or Commiseration
N'kevyn offers congratulations on a healthy and robust clutch
Writers: Halyonix, Shawna
Characters: N'kevyn, I'serin

One Step at a Time
Gil has breakfast with Tr'vel and his wingmates
Writers: Devin, Estelle
Characters: Tr'vel, Gilbek, D'stan, I'lek, Ochyra, Terella

A New Look
Tirraze shows off her new haircut.
Writers: Aaron, Devin, Halyonix, Shawna
Characters: Cirina, Oriene, Saedyna, Tirraze

Flirting Gone Awry
Sebeth teaches Aluneth how to flirt...with mixed success
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin, Vaile

Another Option for Stress Relief PG-17
I'serin goes cliff diving and K'mai ditches his plans to show the Weyrleader another way to relieve stress.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

I Had Kinda Hoped
Ç'pier expresses his unexpected disappointment with his wing assignment.
Writers: Aaron, Devin
Characters: Ç'pier, R'lor

Choosing Day
Important pre Flight decisions are made
Writers: Devin, Steel
Characters: V'tian, T'lin

First Batch Sorted
The Wingleaders and Weyrlingmaster discuss placements for the graduating weyrlings. Mentioned: M'gan, Ç'pier, C'rand, O'rosin, L'fael, Sh'del, Tirraze, Saedyna, Zelah, B'lyse, R'fayne
Writers: Aaron, Devin, Estelle, Suzee
Characters: N'vanik, R'lor, Cyradis, S'kand, N'mon

I Am In Control
Adamanth is unjustly punished for being a good boy
Writers: Aaron, Sia
Characters: M'thos, Z'renh

She's Gonna Feel That in the Morning
Lyani is not Vandor's best patient, but at least she's fun.
Writers: AL, Heather
Characters: Vandor, Lyani

The Burden of Battle
I'serin tries to keep up mentally during Threadfall
Writers: Halyonix
Characters: I'serin

The Logic of Flirting
Sebeth points out that Aluneth needs to practice
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

Hearing News During Fall
Dolphin Cove's riders receive news of the tragedy at Barrier Lake just as they begin fighting Thread.
Writers: Suzee, Devin
Characters: Talryne, Ciara, Cyradis, N'vanik

But Is He Cute?
Tr'vel's wingmates get the gossip about Gil
Writers: Devin, Estelle
Characters: Tr'vel, D'stan, Ochyra, Terella, I'lek

Running with the Enemy
Tr'vel supervises Gil's exercise time
Writers: Devin, Estelle
Characters: Tr'vel, Gilbek

The Master Unknown
After Lord Corofel’s visit, Aleriand and Cithara discuss Master Unknown’s work.
Writers: Heather, Sia
Characters: Aleriand, Cithara

It's a Feeling
O'rosin asks Aeoluth why he hasn't chased any greens
Writers: Sia
Characters: O'rosin

Just a Twinge?
Brennault thinks he tweaked his hamstring. Running, of course. What were you thinking?
Writers: Aaron, AL
Characters: Brennault, Vandor

You Didn't Even Want It
K'aur and E'kirim have a small confrontation at the hatching feast
Writers: Sia
Characters: E'kirim, K'aur

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.