Persona Profile: E'las
Dragonsfall Weyr
Amber Hills Hold
Vintner Hall
Hidden Meadows
Dolphin Cove Weyr
Dolphin Hall
Emerald Falls Hold
Harper Hall
Printer Hall
Green Valley Hold
Leeward Lagoon Hold
Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Sunstone Seahold
Citrus Bay Hold
Elsewhere on Pern
NPC Weyr (NPC)
River Bluff Weyr
Seacraft Hall
Name: E'las
Age: 32
Birthday: m3 d27
Rank: Wingrider, DFW Adoptable Riders Wing
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Craft: Beastcrafter
Craft Rank: Senior Apprentice
Physical Description of Persona:
Dark, reddish brown hair and a sprinkling of freckles gives E'las a boyish charm that is set at odds with the Threadscore that runs diagonally across his face. The thick white scar starts at the top left of his forehead, far back into his hairline, and then runs across the bridge of his nose, down his cheek and disappears onto his neck. Unlike others who might be embarassed, E'las wears his scar with pride.
Dark blue eyes rest beneath two heavy eyebrows that are the same dark reddish brown as his hair. The man's square jawline is usually clean shaven, and his chin-length hair kept combed back away from his face. He's of averge height around 5'9" and has a lean, rangy build.
Emotional Description of Persona:
E'las is light-hearted and generally carefree. He has a hard time making important decisions, however, and can often be described as indecisive. The brownrider is a people pleaser and has a hard time telling others 'no.'
History of Persona:
E'las was born Evaenlas, a creche baby at a Southern Weyr. Being raised like any traditional weyrbrat, E'las doesn't even know who his real parents are and only that they were dragonriders. It never mattered to E'las as a boy though about his parentage, he had his fellow fosterlings who created a makeshift family for him.
Not immediately falling in love with the idea of dragonriding, like many of the other weyrchildren, E'las explored the beastcraft instead, often trailing the Weyr's master beastcrafter around during the day when he wasn't in basic harper classes. When he was thirteen, E'las apprenticed to the beastcraft and enjoyed learning about the different bovines and herdbeasts that were kept at the Weyr. It didn't take long, however, that at the age of sixteen Evaenlas began noticing that anyone who was anyone rode a dragon.
Forsaking his craft, Evaenlas joined the group of Candidates at the Weyr and impressed when he was seventeen to a brown dragon. Time passed and when he was twenty-five E'las transferred to Dragonsfall Weyr, and it was there after a Turn that he ended up badly scored in the face while catching a falling rider. E'las made a full recovery but still likes to brag about his heroic save.
Dragon's Name: Ysrameth
Dragon's Age: 14
Dragon's Colour: Brown
Description of Dragon:
Ysrameth is a dark coppery, brown mix with darker shades of burnt mohaghany running beneath his belly.
Approved: January 29th 2015
Last updated: April 22nd 2024