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Stories set at Dragonsfall Weyr (1 - 25, most recent first)

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An Ambassador of a Different Kind
Ki’ben visits a girl he’s been seeing on the side.
Writers: AL, Heather
Characters: K'yne, Ki'ben, Vadira

M'kall wants to ask Tsaera on a date - so he does.
Writers: Heather, Yvonne
Characters: Tsaera, M'kall

Congratulations or Commiseration
N'kevyn offers congratulations on a healthy and robust clutch
Writers: Halyonix, Shawna
Characters: N'kevyn, I'serin

Flirting Gone Awry
Sebeth teaches Aluneth how to flirt...with mixed success
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin, Vaile

Another Option for Stress Relief PG-17
I'serin goes cliff diving and K'mai ditches his plans to show the Weyrleader another way to relieve stress.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

I Am In Control
Adamanth is unjustly punished for being a good boy
Writers: Aaron, Sia
Characters: M'thos, Z'renh

The Burden of Battle
I'serin tries to keep up mentally during Threadfall
Writers: Halyonix
Characters: I'serin

The Logic of Flirting
Sebeth points out that Aluneth needs to practice
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

You Didn't Even Want It
K'aur and E'kirim have a small confrontation at the hatching feast
Writers: Sia
Characters: E'kirim, K'aur

A Bright Spot in Troubled Times
I'serin and N'vanik talk at the Hatching.
Writers: Halyonix, Devin
Characters: I'serin, N'vanik

A Public Place
I'serin surprises K'mai by inviting him out to the Vintner Hall Tavern. There might be a bit of footsie involved.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, Nirian, I'serin

Maulings and Brawls
R'lor and M'thos chat about the Hatching and weyrling chaos.
Writers: Devin, Sia
Characters: R'lor, M'thos

Stolen Bracelet
Diara returns Nosarre’s bracelet to her, after her firelizard steals it.
Writers: Francesca, Sia
Characters: Nosarre, Diara

Full of Surprises PG-17
K’mai finds an excuse to spend time together, and I’serin finds some boldness.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

Everything You Ever
A bronzerider got everything he ever wanted. And he feels fine.
Writers: Aaron
Characters: Z'renh

Lunch Note
K'mai finds out I'serin skipped lunch, so he sends up a meal.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

A Grief With No Name
H'run slips into some bad habits after the events at Barrier Lake's completion ceremony
Writers: Yvonne
Characters: H'run

Tangled in Passion
A lost flight is a chance for K'mai and H'run to reignite passion, but they aren't on the same page.
Writers: Devin, Yvonne
Characters: H'run, K'mai

About Leadership
A discussion of Wing Leadership
Writers: Corrin, Suzee
Characters: R'enh, T'gyrlan

I'm Here for You
K'mai comes to I'serin after the tragedy at Barrier Lake
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

The Romance of the Weyr
The friends celebrate A'ten's Impression and K'mai has a little too much to drink.
Writers: Devin, Estelle
Characters: L'keri, K'mai, A'ten

Chores Swap
Aedris has a proposition for Syerin.
Writers: Heather, Halyonix
Characters: S'yen, A'ris

Slice of Life
The Weyrleader comes to dinner
Writers: Halyonix, Iluva, Sia
Characters: M'thos, T'mhas, I'serin

One Thing You've Always Wanted to Do
K'mai takes I'serin out of his comfort zone and teaches him a few things.
Writers: Devin, Halyonix
Characters: K'mai, I'serin

Tattle Tails
Fianwyth and Ghraisath do (some?) damage control
Writers: Iluva, Sia
Characters: M'thos, T'mhas

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.