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Persona Profile: Kaphrad


Name: Kaphrad
Age: 59
Birthday: m5 d28
Rank: Ship First Mate
Location: Seacraft Hall, River Bluff Weyr
Craft: Seacrafter
Craft Rank: Master
Speciality: Shipwright

Physical Description of Persona:
Of average height, Kaphrad has lost some of the muscle he had in his youth. In recent turns he has spent more time working at a desk than at the shipyard. His eyes are dark brown, his hair black and slightly curling. His skin is a natural tan. He wears practical clothing when working, but at Gathers and other special occasions, he loves to wear bright colors.

Emotional Description of Persona:
Kaphrad is highly intelligent and very serious about his work. He loves trying out new ideas and views failures as progress. They lead to knowledge.

He believes women should be allowed to craft, but usually keeps these beliefs quiet. He is not an agitator, but will try to slowly persuade people to come around to his point of view.

History of Persona:
Born to a seacrafter family, he was taken on his first short voyage young. Unlike the other men in his family, it wasn't the sea he fell in love with, but the ship. Even before he apprenticed, he knew he wanted to build fine, beautiful ships.

Pressured by his family and fellow crafters to marry, he held off, telling them he wanted to attain his mastery first. Once he did, the pressure increased. Holders and crafters alike tried to pair him with their eligible daughters. When he finally chose a wife, it surprised everyone. She was plain, some said ugly, and much older than the other prospective wives, but Kaphrad recognized her intelligence. They are more friends than lovers, happy to have long conversations and share a life together.

Family and Friends
Maralyn, 52, Hall Resident (Wife)

Approved: March 24th 2013
Last updated: June 10th 2017

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.