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Stories set at Seacraft Hall (1 - 25, most recent first)

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Wedding Bells and Wedding Nights PG-17
Asaile and Bryvin have their wedding night
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Asaile, Bryvin

Arrangements Ongoing
Yriadha receives word of her private business arrangements
Writers: Miriah
Characters: Yriadha, Oufelle

The Beginning of a New Life
Lafael signs up to be a cabin boy at the Seacraft Hall.
Writers: Len
Characters: L'fael

What now?
Various people are moving to new directions.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Nerylyn, Taren, Drumilla, Milga, Tamah, F'dal, G'el

An Enlightening Inspection
Naton goes to the seacraft hall to check on his lights.
Writers: Chelle, Jelena
Characters: Relik, Naton

Coming Home
The Hallmaster checks in on one of his journeymen.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Nerylyn, Uegot

Slowly Coming Back
The two of them discuss progress made.
Writers: Chelle, Devin
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad

Family United
Disaster brings family members back together.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Ueltin

Caught In It
The hurricane hits.
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik

Storm Warning
There is a storm approaching.
Writers: Devin, Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad, Uegot

We May Go Down
The seacrafters indulge in a little celebration.
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik, Jaquin

A Man I Can Trust
Kaphrad recruits Uegot for an important cause.
Writers: Devin, Paula
Characters: Kaphrad, Uegot

Going On Search
It's a Search
Writers: Avery, Paula
Characters: B'jon, Riveenata, F'dal, Lahdran, Herika

Reporting In
Feydal arrives to Seacraft Hall for period of theory studies and meets the Hallmaster himself.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: F'dal, Relik

Lafael asks about cabin boy postings
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: L'fael, Relik

A Problem
Uegot tells his sister about the strange drudge from the hurricane being a possible HAD and she calls in Jaylene.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Jaylene, Nerylyn

Letters Between Masters
The two Hallmasters exchange letters.
Writers: Ames, Chelle
Characters: Famell, Relik

The Kindness of Strangers
Lafael seeks shelter from the hurricane.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: L'fael, Uegot, Nerylyn, Uelyn

The Fairwind
Relik and Taril discuss Sunstone Seahold and the Seahall's new ship
Writers: Yvonne, Chelle
Characters: Relik, Taril

In Blows the Storm
Lafael asks Relik about cabin boy postings (and perhaps about just becoming an apprentice?)
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: L'fael, Relik

Rock the Boat
Rhosyn and Eirock meet at the Seacraft Hall opening and share more than a dance.
Writers: Anika, Chelle
Characters: Eirock, Rhosyn

A New Wind Blows
Lafael sets out early to the Seacraft Hall, forgetting there's a hurricane coming
Writers: Len
Characters: L'fael

All Hands On Deck
The three of them discuss the new Lord Holder and get ready for the opening event.
Writers: AL, Devin, Chelle
Characters: Aini, Relik, Kaphrad

Make Way
The steamship makes its first short trip while curious onlookers watch.
Writers: Devin, Chelle
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad

Cast Off
The Seacraft Hall at Sunstone is now officially open!
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.