Stories set at Seacraft Hall (1 - 25, most recent first)
Dragonsfall Weyr
Amber Hills Hold
Vintner Hall
Hidden Meadows
Dolphin Cove Weyr
Dolphin Hall
Emerald Falls Hold
Harper Hall
Printer Hall
Green Valley Hold
Leeward Lagoon Hold
Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Sunstone Seahold
Citrus Bay Hold
Elsewhere on Pern
NPC Weyr (NPC)
River Bluff Weyr
Seacraft Hall
SSH-SH Profile
SSH-SH Residents
SSH-SH Calendar
SSH-SH Posts
SSH-SH Reports
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Wedding Bells and Wedding Nights PG-17
Asaile and Bryvin have their wedding night
Writers: Miriah, Suzee
Characters: Asaile, Bryvin
Arrangements Ongoing
Yriadha receives word of her private business arrangements
Writers: Miriah
Characters: Yriadha, Oufelle
The Beginning of a New Life
Lafael signs up to be a cabin boy at the Seacraft Hall.
Writers: Len
Characters: L'fael
What now?
Various people are moving to new directions.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Nerylyn, Taren, Drumilla, Milga, Tamah, F'dal, G'el
An Enlightening Inspection
Naton goes to the seacraft hall to check on his lights.
Writers: Chelle, Jelena
Characters: Relik, Naton
Coming Home
The Hallmaster checks in on one of his journeymen.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Nerylyn, Uegot
Slowly Coming Back
The two of them discuss progress made.
Writers: Chelle, Devin
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad
Family United
Disaster brings family members back together.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Ueltin
Caught In It
The hurricane hits.
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik
Storm Warning
There is a storm approaching.
Writers: Devin, Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad, Uegot
We May Go Down
The seacrafters indulge in a little celebration.
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik, Jaquin
A Man I Can Trust
Kaphrad recruits Uegot for an important cause.
Writers: Devin, Paula
Characters: Kaphrad, Uegot
Going On Search
It's a Search
Writers: Avery, Paula
Characters: B'jon, Riveenata, F'dal, Lahdran, Herika
Reporting In
Feydal arrives to Seacraft Hall for period of theory studies and meets the Hallmaster himself.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: F'dal, Relik
Lafael asks about cabin boy postings
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: L'fael, Relik
A Problem
Uegot tells his sister about the strange drudge from the hurricane being a possible HAD and she calls in Jaylene.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Jaylene, Nerylyn
Letters Between Masters
The two Hallmasters exchange letters.
Writers: Ames, Chelle
Characters: Famell, Relik
The Kindness of Strangers
Lafael seeks shelter from the hurricane.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: L'fael, Uegot, Nerylyn, Uelyn
The Fairwind
Relik and Taril discuss Sunstone Seahold and the Seahall's new ship
Writers: Yvonne, Chelle
Characters: Relik, Taril
In Blows the Storm
Lafael asks Relik about cabin boy postings (and perhaps about just becoming an apprentice?)
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: L'fael, Relik
Rock the Boat
Rhosyn and Eirock meet at the Seacraft Hall opening and share more than a dance.
Writers: Anika, Chelle
Characters: Eirock, Rhosyn
A New Wind Blows
Lafael sets out early to the Seacraft Hall, forgetting there's a hurricane coming
Writers: Len
Characters: L'fael
All Hands On Deck
The three of them discuss the new Lord Holder and get ready for the opening event.
Writers: AL, Devin, Chelle
Characters: Aini, Relik, Kaphrad
Make Way
The steamship makes its first short trip while curious onlookers watch.
Writers: Devin, Chelle
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad
Cast Off
The Seacraft Hall at Sunstone is now officially open!
Writers: Chelle
Characters: Relik