Persona Profile: Fauland
Dragonsfall Weyr
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Name: Fauland
Age: 24
Birthday: m12 d17
Rank: Junior Apprentice Harper
Location: Harper Hall, Emerald Falls Hold
Craft: Harper
Craft Rank: Junior Apprentice
Physical Description of Persona:
Strawberry blond hair frames the freckled face of this boy-turning-man. At 5'6", he is in the middle of a growth spurt, thinner than he had been as a child as he hasn't put on much weight. His light green eyes still regard the world about him with innocence and wonder.
Emotional Description of Persona:
Fauland bears the burden of pleasing those around him. Every task is done slowly and carefully, fearful that he bring some disgrace on himself or family.
History of Persona:
Born at Harper Hall, no one in Fauland's family had ever shown talent enough to merit apprenticeship. His mother was a laundry worker, his father a laborer charged with odds and ends of duties about the Hall. Two older brothers had gone on to work in the Hold's fields, while his older sister wed a weaver. To their surprise, Fauland excelled in his classes, particularly earning the attention of the crotchety old Master in charge of the archives, due to his meticulous copying skills. With other harper skills average to excellent, he became the first of his family to be classified as "skilled."
Approved: December 3rd 2005
Last updated: December 3rd 2005