Persona Profile: Dawyn
Dragonsfall Weyr
Amber Hills Hold
Vintner Hall
Hidden Meadows
Dolphin Cove Weyr
Dolphin Hall
Emerald Falls Hold
Harper Hall
Printer Hall
Green Valley Hold
Leeward Lagoon Hold
Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Sunstone Seahold
Citrus Bay Hold
Elsewhere on Pern
NPC Weyr (NPC)
River Bluff Weyr
Seacraft Hall
Name: Dawyn
Age: 29
Birthday: m1 d15
Rank: Junior Journeyman
Location: Elsewhere on Pern
Craft: Smith
Craft Rank: Junior Journeyman
Speciality: Ceramics
Physical Description of Persona:
Dawyn is 5'10" and heavily built from turns in the smith craft. His hair is black, a deep shade that appears bluish in most lights. It is kept neatly trimmed, not too long, and not too short. His eyes are an oddly light shade of green, set in a brown complexion that doesn't need outdoors to maintain its rich color. Handsome doesn't quite fit a description of Dawyn, but there's a quality to his features that draws interest nevertheless.
Emotional Description of Persona:
A bit immature for his age, Dawyn has a bad habit of living in the here-and-now, rather than planning for the future. Only a genuine talent for his craft managed to gain him his journeyman rank last turn, and he spent quite a large amount of time in some punishment duty or another. Outgoing and relaxed, he enjoys the company of others more than his solitary craft, and is always the first to volunteer to man the craft booth whenever needed.
History of Persona:
Born the eldest son of a trader and his young wife, Dawyn was raised with the intentions of taking his father's place in the caravan. But Dawlen and Dawyn's personalities clashed horribly by the time the boy was nine or ten, and when he expressed an interest in the Smithcraft, his father readily arranged the apprenticeship at Garnet Valley's Smith Hall.
He excelled at his chosen craft, enjoying the work if not the classroom time and intensive training it required. As he grew older, an affinity for ceramics and other such work got him placed as a senior apprentice into more specialized training. The hope was that allowing the training to leave the heavier work of the smithcraft would settle down Dawyn, who's emotional maturity hadn't kept pace with his age, but unfortunately it didn't succeed quite as well as those in charge had hoped.
An over-friendliness with the girls of the Hold finally got him caught in an area of responsibility that he couldn't slide out of. When Keles turned up pregnant, and named him the father shortly after he was promoted to journeyman, there was little choice but to do the honorable thing and marry her. Not yet ready for such a step in his life, Dawyn has resisted what it meant for him, making the relationship with his young wife quite rocky at worst and uncertain at best. The birth of their son in month 12 of last turn seems to have only made things worse.
Family and Friends
Keles, 26, Hall Resident, Elsewhere on Pern (Wife)
Linnel, 44, Foster Mother (DFW) (Mother)
Dawlen, 49, Trader (deceased) (Father)
Treylen, 25, Sr. Apprentice Harper (Brother)
Jadri, 22, Trader's son (Brother)
Lirenel, 9, Weyr resident (DFW) (Half-sister)
Chaldona, Green Firelizard: aged 8, hatched m10 d22
Chaldona is medium sized, gracefully built green flit. The top of her is grass green, underside light green. Wings are almost translucent green.
As far as personality goes, she is curious and affectionate little creature.
Approved: October 16th 2005
Last updated: November 16th 2009