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February Bonus Locatoins
Persona Creation: Amber Hills Hold
Posting Locations: Printer Hall & Emerald Falls Hold


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Persona Profile: V'dryn

Writer: Halyonix

Name: V'dryn
Pronunciation: VYE-dare-in
Age: 17
Birthday: m11 d23
Rank: Junior Weyrling
Location: Barrier Lake Weyrhold
Face Claim: Justice Smith

Physical Description of Persona:
Videryn is a lanky 5’11. His skin is klah colored, his dark, coarse brown hair is kept short. His tenor voice has an eloquent cadence which, combined with graceful mannerisms, reveals his education. But his laughter, his smile are still goofy, youthful, and bright. Videryn prides himself on good style, wearing nice tunics and jewelry, making sure that he looks and feels good.

Emotional Description of Persona:
Videryn is a youth trying to figure out his identity apart from his family. His father is a Steward, his mother comes from a proud crafting family. He has spent his childhood drilled in duty, lineage, and expectations.

He’s honestly tired of it.

So currently, he’s rebellious. He’s curious but critical. He wants more than being stuffed into a marriage but isn’t sure what that more is. He’s on an adventure, exploring. He’s willing to try a lot of things but not reckless things. He does still have a sense of caution. When not around his family, Videryn is animated, interested, open about his thoughts and feelings. He wants to learn. He’s good at organizing, at seeing things from multiple angles. He will chat with just about anyone, which is good because tempting him with conversation is the only way he’ll do chores.

Other than that, he hasn’t gotten the rest of himself down. Maybe he’s into girls, maybe not. Maybe he’ll learn that being a dragonrider isn’t for him and go somewhere else. He figures that no matter what, he’s going to land on his feet somehow, and hopefully somewhere far away from the life his family intends for him.

History of Persona:
Born at a large Hold, Videryn learned early on that he was under scrutiny. Maybe not the same sort that a Holder’s son was, but Videryn’s Steward father treated him pretty much the same. As a child, this was something he embraced, because he wanted to make his family proud. He studied, behaved admirably, learned every in and out he could about Hold management and becoming an upright citizen sort of thing.

But sometime shortly before becoming a teenager, Videryn realized that his parents’ love was tied to these expectations and he began to resent it. It didn’t matter how well he did in his studies or impressing other leaders, he wasn’t good enough. Even if he tried his firelizard Mora, who he got as a gift when he was fourteen, to be the perfect pet, there were still snide and disappointed comments from his father about her being just a little green. By the time he was fifteen, he had decided that he didn’t want to walk this path anymore. He initially accepted a position with other Holders’ children to help with the Barrier Lake Weyrhold project, knowing that it would be yet another opportunity to gain important knowledge, but then decided to just stay. It helped that his audacious inquiry about being a Candidate came back as yes because his family, of course, threw a fit when he refused to return. Now, if he doesn’t Impress, that will be a problem, but for now, Videryn wants to explore whatever opportunities he can in the hopes of finding his purpose.

That purpose came with blue Zhomoth, who sauntered over to him when Videryn was seventeen.

Family and Friends
Ideryn, 41, Steward (father)
Vania, 36, Journeywoman weaver (mother)
Vanderyn, 15, Holdbrat (brother)
Ivanya, 12, Holdbrat (sister)

Dragon's Name: Zhomoth
Dragon's Age: 0
Dragon's Colour: Blue
Description of Dragon:
A lovely cerulean blue, Zhomoth is tapered much like his rider: lanky in length but with muscular shoulders. His ridges and wing tips deepen to a darker hue.

Zhomoth is like his rider in that he sees things from various points of views and understands responsibility. Maybe a little too much on that second part right now, as he is still learning. He loves to nap and listen to stories.


Mora, Green Firelizard: aged 4, hatched m2 d6
Next Mating Flight: m6 d21 of turn 12
Mora is emerald green and very well-behaved. She likes to sleep on Videryn's chest at night like a feline

Approved: March 8th 2024
Last updated: June 3rd 2024

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