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Persona Profile: N'klos


Name: N'klos
Age: 52
Birthday: m11 d10
Rank: Wingrider, Hurricane Wing
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr

Physical Description of Persona:
N'klos is tall, approx. 6'2" and has a build that's rather rangy and bony at first glance until you realize it's all lean muscle. Dark brown hair that's rather wavey shows signs of turning grey a bit early, especially at the temples. He has light brown eyes and a face that's not immediately handsome as it's a bit craggy but those women who bother to take a second look often find themselves drawn to him.

Emotional Description of Persona:
N'klos is an intense and ambitious rider, often pushing himself and his dragon as much as possible. Even as a weyrling, he had to be told to calm down, to back off when he'd want to attempt maneuver after manuever until it was perfect. He lives and breaths for drills and has a remarkable memory for flight plans and drill patterns.

History of Persona:
Born at Vista Point Weyr to a green rider and a bronzerider, Nikolos just _knew_ he was meant to be a dragon rider. He first Stood at age 13, impressing Xanath and affirming that he and his destiny were on track, perfect. His life became drills, manuevers, and caring for his dragonet, all the while hoping and dreaming that one day the dragon riders would be needed for something more than transport and message duty.

The return of Threadfall affirmed his dreams. He threw himself into his duties, gaining the position of Wingleader. Ambitious, he'd tried for Turns to win a gold flight, believing it would affirm his superiority and move him closer to the ultimate desire....to run a Weyr completely as Weyrleader. His challenging manner and aggressive attitude resulted in his transfer to Ista(tm) Weyr only 6 months into the beginning of Threadfall.

He continued with his ambitions, even after his transfer. Alas, while he has won the flights of lesser queens, he's never flown a senior queen. While more than competant and loyal to the Weyr, his current Weyrleader at Ista(tm) is not so tolerant of obvious 'competition' and decided to transfer him to Dophin Cove Weyr--let's see how he fares with that Weyr's current leadership, shall we?

Dragon's Name: Xanath
Dragon's Age: 39
Dragon's Colour: Bronze
Description of Dragon:
Xanath is on the large size, with a shiny bronze hue that he is rather proud of. He can be as arrogant as his rider, but is also a calming influence on N'klos as well, often reminding him to back off with regards to his intensity and to try to have fun when it's warranted. Where his rider might knock an offending wall down, Xanath would walk around it--a perfect analogy for the rider/dragon relationship that they share.

Approved: October 11th 2005
Last updated: October 11th 2005

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.