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Uncertain Weyr Arrival

Writers: Devin, Estelle, Miriah, Yvonne
Date Posted: 29th December 2021

Characters: Alina, J'ackt, Alyena, N'vanik, Evalya
Description: Alyena comes to the Weyr after the Torching
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr
Date: month 9, day 17 of Turn 10
Notes: Occurs immediately after "After the Torching"


Alina had never been so relieved to come from /between/ into the warm
summer night over Dolphin Cove. The Weyr was ablaze with lights and
fluttered with dragonwings. The greenrider twisted in her seat to face
her passengers and said over the wind, "I'm taking you straight to the
Healers," before directing Imairth to land. It seemed like the most
sensible place to go.

The woman nodded, holding her daughter tightly, and looked out over the
green's wing and down towards the Weyrbowl. Alyena had only been here
twice before, but even so she could tell that so much activity was unusual.

"Is something happening?" she asked as the green settled to the ground.
All at once, she remembered the words she'd overheard, and felt a chill
to her heart despite the warmer air of the Weyr. "Is it the Hatching?"

Alina's jaw tightened. "Yes, although it's over now. There's still many
riders here from other Weyrs, though. It's not usually this busy."

"Oh - it's over?" Was the danger past, then? Alyena remembered what Gil
had told her, that something had gone wrong with the plot she'd
overheard and the men thought they'd been betrayed. Still, she couldn't
be certain, and she owed the greenrider a warning. She rested a hand on
Alina's arm before they could dismount. "Please, be careful. Those men
who burned my cothold, they might have people here."

"I know." Alina undid her straps and stood on Imarith's elbow to help
unstrap Alyena and her daughter. There was already light and activity in
the Infirmary, and out of the corner of her eye Alina could see several
Healers hurrying in their direction. "The Weyr is on high alert after...
and I promise you that the Healers take care of you both and will keep
you safe tonight. And tomorrow."

The holder woman hesitated. After what? Had they gone after J'ackt
again, as she'd feared? Or someone else? Still, safe or not, it wasn't
as though they had anywhere else to go, and Evalya needed a Healer.
Holding on to one of the dragon's neck ridges, she handed her daughter
down to the greenrider and then descended herself, gritting her teeth at
the ache of her bruised side.

J'ackt and Zith landed behind Imarith, accompanied by a few of the
riders he had called on after they'd arrived. Still clamped in his
bronze's talons, a man lay unconscious and bleeding from the fight at
the holding. **Don't let him go.**

}: I won't. I have already called for Loseth's and told him what
happened. :{

J'ackt approached Alina and offered his arms. "Let me take the girl.
Alyena looks like she needs a Healer just as much. We can get them in
and let N'vanik decide what needs to be done next. And someone has to
let R'ayl know that they're safe."

N'vanik had hurried out as soon as he got the message. As he
approached the group he looked them over with a raised eyebrow. "Had a
little trouble, did you?" At least Alyena and her daughter were safe.

The young girl watched the two men approach and she buried her head in
Alina's shoulder with a soft whimper of fear. Alyena stepped closer to
her and touched her daughter's arm lightly, whispering comforting words
as she tried to hide her own unease. She couldn't help but recognize one
of the men who had sent her son to the mines.

Alina made a silent apology to J'ackt as she turned her body a bit to
put herself between the girl and the two men. "Weyrleader. I-- uh, by
your leave, may I take Alyena and her daughter to the Healers while
you and J'ackt talk?"

J'ackt's brows snapped down at Alina, but getting the hint and seeing
Alyena's expression, he took a step back. He turned to N'vanik and
spoke quietly, detailing quickly and without exaggeration what had
occured. He gestured towards Zith. "He's there. I don't know how many
teeth he still has, but he's alive. Thought he might be able to tell
you something."

N'vanik nodded sharply. "Good work." Then he turned to Alyena. "I know
our history is. . .complicated. But you gave J'ackt a warning and I
won't forget that. You have the protection of the Weyr." He started to
turn away and paused. "Oh, and when you're finished with the healers,
you should head over to the dragon infirmary. There's someone there
who'd be happy to see you and your girl are safe."

Alyena blinked, confused. Who did she know at the Weyr? The only person
she could think of was J'ackt, and he was already here. The Weyrleader
must be mistaken. Still, she didn't question it. "Thank you,
Weyrleader." Then she followed Alina away in the direction of the infirmary.

N'vanik watched her go for a moment, then turned to J'ackt. "Help me
get him up to my office." J'ackt probably shouldn't have taken the man
to the Weyr, but they could justify it by the fact that he'd attacked
a dragonrider. N'vanik would need to hand the man over to Corowal. . .
but not just yet.

Last updated on the February 10th 2022

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.