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An Overdue Communication.

Writers: Jelena, Leigh M-F.
Date Posted: 29th August 2016

Characters: Genna, Eionen
Description: Eionen writes to Genna, as promised, but it puts her in a delicate spot.
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr, Harper Hall
Date: month 7, day 26 of Turn 8
Notes: Mentioned: A'kua, Firelloa (ONPC).


N settling in, he had forgotten a promise. That had to be rectified. A few words among his fellow harpers yielded one with a little blue fire-lizard, and an offer of assistance cleaning the other harper's office tomorrow afternoon granted him the loan of the cute creature. Not too long after, a letter made its way to Dragonsfall Weyr. Eionen hoped Genna would forgive his slightly shaky handwriting; his hand had started trembling in nervousness when he wrote.

**Weyrwoman Genna, I hope this missive finds you and your gold in good health and spirits. I arrived at the Harper Hall in Emerald Hills on d23 of this month safe and sound, if exhausted. So much has changed; I was gone too long for my own good, but with luck, I'll soon be teaching again. There is always a student with promise in singing, acting, and dancing, and children who need to learn how to read, write, and figure numbers.** Several small ink blots had fallen on the vellum where Eionen had hesitated, pen in the air, before finally continuing. **Please tell me, how are A'kua and Firelloa? ~ Eionen.**

Genna had been surprised when a strange firelizard sought her out in her Weyr that evening, but when she had extracted the note, it became clear and she smiled vaguely. At least the man was trying! She noticed the ink blots, wondering what had made the man hesitate and then grabbed her own writing supplies for a note back.

**Journeyman Eionen, thank you for your note. It is good to know you arrived safely and I hope you will soon feel at home again. Both A'kua and Firelloa are in good health and spirit.** She hesitated herself for a moment, wondering how much she could tell, without possibly upsetting A'kua if he found out. **I met your daughter, she is a wonderful girl and you can be as proud of her as of A'kua. I think she will make a fine Harper one day.** Well, that was as much as she was willing to give him for now. **I would like to stay in touch, so that, should AŽkua come around and want to know how you have been doing, I can tell him. Kind regards, Genna**

She tied the note on the little firelizard's hind leg and then sent him back to where he came from.

The harper indeed felt a rush of pride on reading Genna's praise, and that she thought Firelloa would be a good Harper. Perhaps he had left his daughter with some of his performing talents, and she had apprenticed to the Weyr harpers. A proper education could do anyone a world of amazing things. He caressed the words with light fingertips, smiling faintly, and penned one last response. **Thank you very much for informing me. It does my heart good to know they are well. I am also grateful you have taken to Firelloa. I'm sure she has a fine role model in you. I need to go to bed soon, but with any luck, I will be able to write again, in a more timely manner than before. Thank you again for everything. I hope you and your gold remain well now and in the future. ~ Eionen.**

He gave the bit of vellum to the blue fire-lizard and patted it on the head. "You can go back to your Impressed when you're done here," he said, clumsily trying to project the appropriate images. It seemed to work well enough, because the fire-lizard chirped, jumped off his desk, and went between.

Genna looked up as the firelizard returned, this time prepared for a note from Eionen. She read it with a serious expression and then filed it in one of the drawers of her tiny little desk. She'd need to figure out now if and how to tell A'kua about this exchange. She realized keeping it a secret could back-fire, but she didn't want to ruffle his feathers unnecessarily either.

Last updated on the September 1st 2016

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