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Hand Me Downs

Writers: Heather K, Miriah
Date Posted: 27th August 2012

Characters: Ameala, Karhal
Description: Karhal brings Ameala some hand-me downs
Location: Amber Hills Hold
Date: month 9, day 11 of Turn 6
Notes: Mentioned: Zelanka, Fitchan


Gathering boxes of Orhla's clothing, Karhal had debated on whom
to send the gowns to. She had always insisted on beautiful clothes,
and Karhal had indulged that one whimsy of hers. There were several
Gather gowns she had kept in good repair. He knew nothing of fashion,
but surely they were still serviceable and it made no sense for him to
keep them.

He closed one final box with resounding finality, and with thin lips, lifted
it. He knew of one young lady that could possibly use the nicer gowns,
if she wanted them. Carrying the box wasn't too much of a burden and it
wasn't a long distance. When he got to the door, he lightly kicked it,
his arms too full to knock.

It took a moment for Ameala release the knocking sound was in fact coming
from her front door. She hadn't been expecting anyone so this was a
surprise,she didn't get many visitors during the day.

Opening the door she found Karhal, an old friend of her family and her
father's long time boss. "Oh hi, Karhal. What a surprise," she smiled
sweetly at him and then she spotted the box. "What have you got there?"

"May I come in? I won't take too much of your time." He shifted the box's
weight in his arms, deciding, as he usually did, to get straight to the
point. "It's some of Orhla's gowns. I thought you might some of the Gather
I think you were similar in size." He paused, his face remarkably stoic
considering the last few sevendays but many had recognized the
underlying strain beneath his composure."If you don't want them,
I can take them to Zelanka to distribute. I just figured they may be to your

"Oh, no. I'm honored you thought of me. Please, come in. I'll put some klah
on." She led him into her house and got him seated before whisking herself
off into the kitchen to put the klah on to boil. She tried to keep her
mind off of how difficult this must be for Karhal. Having recently lost his
wife he was
holding together relatively well and she hoped this visit didn't upset him.
After setting things up in the kitchen, Ameala joined the man in the living
room. "All ready.
Let's a have a look when you're ready."

He hadn't sat but instead had put the box on the floor in the living area.
His face was impassive, but he inclined his head in thanks. "I
appreciate the klah, Ameala." He eyed the box for a moment, then his lips
" I do believe the top gown, the green one was her most recent
Gather dress. She enjoyed it a great deal."

He bent, opening the box and gesturing to the green gown on top. A deep
green velveteen, it was obviously new and the embroidery exquisite.
Karhal turned away and then shrugged. "I do hope it fits."

Pulling the dress out of the box, Ameala looked over the fine detail of the
dress. It appeared to be the right size and the material would make it a
good dress for colder nights. "I can see why she liked it. It's
gorgeous. She had impeccable taste your wife." Noticing Karhal's somewhat
detached mood she placed the dress carefully back in the box. Putting a hand
on his shoulder she asked, "Are you sure you're ok? I can always go through
them later and get the ones that don't work out to worthy homes."

He stiffened for a moment at her touch, then relaxed with a slight lifting
of his lips."She did indeed." Karhal patted Ameala's hand lightly,
then removed it without malice from his shoulder. " I'm fine, Ameala.
It's been a bit of an adjustment." It was no secret that Karhal's
with Orhla hadn't been one of a deep abiding love, but one of close
His grief stemmed from the loss of that friendship, and while he hadn't
grieved for her, his closer friends (which were few) knew how much he had
felt the

"If you have time, I'd rather you go through them while I'm here. I'll take
what you don't want to Zelanka. I believe I put some slippers that match the
gowns at the bottom." His lips lifted slightly. "I think they match at
any rate. I can't promise that they do."

Digging through to the bottom of the box, Ameala pulled out a few
pairs of slippers. One was clearly meant for the green gown she had just
looked at and the others were for dresses she had yet to find. "Well, these
ones clearly match." Setting the slippers aside she pulled out more dresses.
Most were in darker, jewel toned colors which would have
matched Orhla's skin tone nicely. Ameala herself leaned towards
brighter colors but she was always up for trying different things.

"Some of these look like they'll need some patching up and taking in
but I've got all the time in the world for that. I think I may just have to
invite you over for dinner with us one night, Karhal. You have it seems
greatly expanded my wardrobe. It's the least I can do."

"I'm sure Fitchan won't complain about that." Karhal spoke wryly. "As
far as the dinner, I'll definitely take you up on that. A home cooked meal
would be welcome. To be honest, I'm tired of my own cooking; I really never
talented at it."

"I find that few men are. I don't mind cooking myself. If you ever get
fed up with your own cooking just let me know and I'd be happy to send
you a casserole or a loaf of bread or something. It's no bother. I can
get fairly bored while Fitchan is working so baking is sort of a past
time of mine," Ameala explained. Baking seemed to relax her and it also
reminded her of home. She had of course learned to bake, among other things,
from her mother.

He chuckled. "I'd appreciate that. If it's an open flame, I can cook on it,
but baking is beyond me." He spoke dryly. "One of my many flaws,
I'm sure." He looked back at the box. "I hope you enjoy them,
Ameala. I'll be heading back now and I'll be waiting for that

"Thanks again, Karhal," Ameala said as she stood to see him out. "And you'll
be hearing from me soon."

Last updated on the September 1st 2012

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