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A Good Day for Memories

Writers: Miriah
Date Posted: 28th March 2019

Characters: D'hol, Holda, Cawli
Description: D'hol attends someone important to him.
Location: Elsewhere on Pern
Date: month 10, day 21 of Turn 9



Emerging over Ista Weyr, D'hol and Yumath were immediately blasted by
the dry heat of the place; while Yumath delighted in the warmth, D'hol
grimaced, feeling sweat already beginning to prickle under his riding
leathers. The pair announced themselves and were welcomed by the
waiting watchdragon who had already been informed of their coming

Yumath settled in the Weyrbowl, immediately spreading his wings to
soak up the sun, but knelt to assist his rider as he dismounted, then
watched with a concerned whirl to his eyes. }:Will you be alright? :{

D'hol gave a nonverbal assurance to the bronze even as he quickly
stripped himself of his riding jacket and helmet, tucking one over his
arm, and the other under it. Before he could turn, an aged mottled
green dragon, the gray nearly to her head knobs approached Yumath with
a warble of greeting. D'hol's eyes softened at the elderly green,
recalling a far earlier time in his youth when that very same green
allowed him to rest and play at her side. "Hello, Venith." He
approached, and when she lowered her head, he lightly scratched around
her eye-ridge. "You're looking well today."

}:Venith says thank you and Hers is having a good day today as well.
She will be happy to see you.:{ Yumath lifted a wing, allowing the
smaller green to nestle against him. She laid down with a sigh and a
rub of her cheek against the bronze hide.

D'hol patted the green and sighed. A good day for Venith's rider meant
this would be a more pleasant visit than he had feared. He took a
breath and made for a small ground level weyr and was greeted by a
small older petite woman in Healer green. "Hello, Cawli. How is she
doing today?"

"D'hol." She gave him a brief, yet warm hug. "It's been a while.
Holda's doing well today. Resting mostly, but she did get up and
around this morning. We were right to move her here; the dry air here
seems to help her joints and lungs. She's awake, if you want to see
her." At his nod, she drew him into the small weyr and into the back
bedroom, where a wizened, frail looking woman lay reclined on the bed,
humming tunelessly to herself.

Swallowing hard, but keeping his voice pleasant, D'hol approached,
bending to brush his lips over the wrinkled brow before pulling up a
chair to the bedside. The Healer stepped out, patting D'hol on the
shoulder as she left. He spoke softly. "Hello, mother."

The woman turned her head, the filmy layers over her eyes catching the
light of the glows. Her voice was rough with age, but he could still
hear the music in it as he had when just a boy. "Dernhol, where have
you been? You've been out with out with that Egeannin again, haven't
you? She's trouble." D'hol's eyes grew moist and he looked down at his
hand as he held hers. Egeannin and her green had perished in the first
Threadfall, but he fondly remembered the impish brown-haired girl that
had been his companion as young boy. That his mother was remembering
her and calling him by his birthname said much about her current
mental state. "No, mother. I haven't been. I've just come to see how
you were doing."

"Oh, I'm fine. You should have a word with that Cawli, though. She
tried to tell me just this morning that I didn't need to bathe
Verlith, but I know she's probably needing oiled. I guess some of the
new Candidates will have to handle it." She sighed, then gave a grin
that revealed pale gums. "Verlith says she's playing with a handsome
bronze." She gave a gleeful little chuckle. "Just wait until your
father comes back from drills. Intath will be quick to shoo him away.
Your father gets so possessive of me sometimes. Not that I mind. He's
the handsomest man in all of Dragonsfall."

Through her film over her eyes, she couldn't see the pained look in
D'hol's eyes, but he cleared his throat and nodded. "I know, mother."
His thumb stroked over the thin skin of her hand, but his other
quickly wiped at the growing moisture in his eyes. "You're looking
beautiful as always."

"Thank you, lad." She lifted her other hand and fluffed her thick
white hair as she gave a sigh. "I get so tired so quickly these days.
It must be summer as hot as it is." She settled back into her pillows.
"I so hate being in this silly bed. Verlith and I need to take a good
long flight and stretch her wings." She turned her head towards him.
"You remember to oil your hatchling every day like we taught you?"

"Of course. He's very healthy." He wasn't surprised by the shift in
memory, sometimes she knew him, sometimes she didn't. Sometimes, she
was herself and was completely lucid, but those times were getting
rarer as she aged.

"Your father was so _proud_ when you Impressed from his clutch. It was
like he had given birth himself. You should have seen him after. I
know he's so stuffy sometimes, but you should have seen him, D'hol,
strutting around the Weyr as though he was the Weyrleader, himself.
'Holda', he said, 'That boy'll be a Weyrleader someday, just you wait
and see.' And your little Yumath looks just like Intath. He could have
just split himself with pride."

Remembering the proud, quiet, stern man who fathered him, D'hol
couldn't picture him as his mother described, but he didn't argue with
his mother's memories. The expectation of his future rank, however,
did not surprise him; A'der had been vocal about his expectations.
"I'm glad to hear it. I'll do my best."

"I know you will, my boy. Yumath will do us all proud." She yawned and
her lids began to appear heavy. "I'm so tired."

D'hol closed his eyes and spoke softly. "I know. Mother," he lifted
her hand to his mouth to kiss the papery skin. "I'll be…transferring
soon. I won't be able to visit much."

"I understand. I'll keep you in my thoughts like always. Just do your
duty, D'hol, and we'll be proud, no matter where you are." She settled
back further, her eyes drooping as she nodded off, her hand still in

D'hol lightly squeezed her hand and kissed it before he laid it down
beside her. He rose, then bent to lightly kiss her forehead. "Goodbye,
mother." The whisper was soft as he gently embraced the sleeping

Last updated on the April 4th 2019

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.