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FAQ / Newbie Guide

Please note: The FAQ is no longer updated; for current info please see the Wiki

Last updated 2nd March 2016 by Suzee

How long does it take to get approved to join the forums?

Article by: Suzee

It shouldn't take more than a day. The reason we have an approval system on the forums is not to screen out potential members, but to keep out spammers. We have literally hundreds of member applications whose sole purpose is to promote websites and products. For that reason, we set up a system in which you have to be approved to join so we can keep Triad free of such annoyances.

You can join the forums here: http://www.triadweyrs.org/forum/index.php

If you tried joining the forums a couple days ago, but still are not approved, there are three possible reasons why that is:

1) You used a name other than the one you wrote on your member profile on the site. If you signed up in this site as a member or lurker under the name "Johndoe", for example, but on the forums under the name "Jackdoe", we might have assumed you were not the same person. You need to sign into the forums under the same name.

2) If you tried joining the forum, but have not filled out a member form yet, we might not have realized you were legitimately interested in joining the community.

3) Your name might have been missed while we were cleaning out the forums and deleting the spam accounts.

If your forum application has taken longer than one day, please send a message to the Webbies and let us know the name you are registered under and an e-mail address we can contact you at, and we will try to get you approved as soon as possible.

See Also: No articles yet

Referenced By: How Do I Join Triad Weyrs?

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.