FAQ / Persona Informa... / Ranking Personas / What are the va... / Level 1 Rank Index
Please note: The FAQ is no longer updated; for current info please see the Wiki
Last updated 11th December 2006 by Clancey
What are Level One Rankers responsible for?
- Work related coposts with underlings are _strongly_ encouraged. Level Ones cannot refuse to copost with anyone at their location without good reason if not LOA/LIA. Copost content can be denied, but an alternative storyline must be proposed if a Level One turns down an initial copost due to content suggested. This includes any storyline that would be out of canon for the club, or out of character for the persona as the writer sees their personality.
- Level Ones receive a copy of each new persona sheet via email when it is uploaded to the website. The Level One should email the writer, even if they have existing personas in the location, to welcome the new persona and offer to copost, within one week of notification.
Personalized information regarding that persona's role at the location should be included in the welcome email, not just links to online FAQs. - Co-approve members for all new Level Two, Three, Four, and Five rankers for the location (additional Council approval may be needed). Openings in ranks at each location are under the Level One's responsibility to recruit members to fill the ranks.
- Coordinate all location-wide storylines, such as Gathers or dangerous Threadfalls.
- Approving all deaths at the location.
- Hallmasters must approve all promotions within their craft (even for those not stationed at the Hall).
See Also: No articles yet
Referenced By: No articles yet