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T'bel's Stories (1 - 25, earliest first)

No Confidence
D'nev relaxes with friends and is served by Galwen
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: D'nev, G'wen, T'bel

Gossiping Greens
Hanni and T'bel gossip over weyrbrats, U'kaiah, and the new Weyrleader
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: Hanni, T'bel

A Lesson in Confusing Bronze Weyrlings
Hanni and T'bel meet and baffle some bronze Weyrlings and talk about Fire Lizard eggs
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: Hanni, T'bel

The First Green
Impression day for friends Galwen and Sevin!
Writers: Len
Characters: G'wen, T'bel, Sevin, G'waren

The Weyr's Slut
The four riders celebrate M'shan becoming a sr weyrling and Sh'lua and T'bel flirt too much for the younger boys liking
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Sh'lua, G'wen, M'shan, T'bel

Bronze Riders and Their Charming Ways
T'bel looks for Galwen and finds Cardella, and decides to talk to her a bit about her relationship with J'nev
Writers: Ames, Len
Characters: Cardella, T'bel

A Bastardly Bunch
T'bel frets on his talk with Cardella and goes to his friend Aileyan about it
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: T'bel, Aileyan

Dinner Conversation
An already uncomfortable dinner gets even more awkward when D'nev joins the table of the rider who's green his blue caught
Writers: Len, Emma
Characters: T'bel, G'wen, D'nev, Hanni, G'waren

Cardella and the Green Boys
Cardella talks with T'bel and G'wen about her relationship
Writers: Len, Ames
Characters: G'wen, T'bel, Cardella

A Dragon's Memory
The two green riders are feeling pensive on the evening after a Fall and talk about their early years in the Weyr
Writers: Paula, Len
Characters: T'bel, E'naer

Don't Be Late
T'bel gets his annual evaluation.
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: P'nal, T'bel

Advice from an Unexpected Source
J'nor gets advice from an unexpected source.
Writers: Anaria, Len
Characters: J'nor, T'bel

The Trouble With Baby Flits
T'bel's new fire lizard screams the dinning hall down and Hanni gives some advice
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: Hanni, T'bel

What's Best for Awenth
S'vin decides Cardella and G'wen need a pep talk, until T'bel comes to Cardella's aid
Writers: Ames, Len
Characters: S'vin, Cardella, T'bel, G'wen

When You Least Need It
T'bel and D'ale have a chat
Writers: Len, Suzee
Characters: D'ale, T'bel

Down In the Mouth
P'nal follows up with T'bel to see how things are going.
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: T'bel, P'nal

Too Much Freedom (3/4) PG-17
Sh'lua faces the consequences of seducing a Weyrling
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Sh'lua, E'naer, T'bel, G'wen, S'vin, G'waren

Notes Between Friends
G'wen and Meledei write back and forth after she's been injured in Fall
Writers: Len, AL
Characters: Meledei, T'bel, G'wen

Rare Herbs
T'bel brings rare herbs to the Masterhealer of Emerald Falls Hold
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: T'bel, Miranek

Too Much Freedom (4/4)
G'wen has to face an entire Dinning Hall that knows--thanks to the fight between Sh'lua and his dad, and his lifemate's antics last night--exactly what he's done in Sh'lua's weyr
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: G'wen, E'naer, T'bel, N'ki

The Scene of the Crime
Some of the dragonriders of Dragonsfall come to the Vintner Hall for a change of pace
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: D'nev, T'bel, N'ki, Hanni

Just Let Things Be
P'nal talks to T'bel about his continued problems with his weyrmate
Writers: Chelle, Len
Characters: P'nal, T'bel

A Bebagging We Will Go
T'bel enlists Hanni in his scheme to get revenge for what happened to G'wen at the party
Writers: Emma, Len
Characters: Hanni, T'bel

Death in the Afternoon
The Weyrleader's Wing loses its wingthird and a wingrider.
Writers: Chelle, Len, Paula
Characters: G'nir, P'nal, T'bel, T'eim, M'non

Visiting a Friend
G'wen finally gets to come and visit Meledei as she recovers from injury
Writers: AL, Len
Characters: Meledei, G'wen, T'bel

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.