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Choices (1/3)

Writers: Estelle
Date Posted: 11th May 2019

Characters: Lorican
Description: At the meeting place, Lorican remembers reading the letters
Location: Elsewhere on Pern
Date: month 10, day 10 of Turn 9

Lorican stood at the far end of the dock, watching the horizon as the
first light of the sun edged across the inlet. This was little more than
an anchoring place for small, coast-hugging trading vessels to shelter
from storms, the cothold back on the shore occupied by a single family
who made their living fishing and foraging on the rocky shore. He could
see lights at the windows, the holders preparing for their day, but
no-one had emerged or showed any interest in him.

He closed his eyes and breathed in the clean salt air, felt the growing
warmth of the sun on his face. It was quiet, out here. He was two days
late for the meeting; perhaps no-one would come. He had no instructions
for that eventuality. Go home, perhaps. Someone would surely find him.

If they did come, he thought, this might be the last dawn he ever saw.
Somewhat to his surprise, he didn't feel afraid. His decision had been
made, and he couldn't regret it. All he hoped was that if it happened,
it would be quick.

*** Cedar Vale Hold, 2 days ago ***


I don't know if you'll remember me, but I was the one who bought you
those two drinks at the Gather yesterday, after we watched the race
together, and my runner Needlethorn came in fourth. Usually that would
have ruined my day - I hate to lose - but I enjoyed our conversation
afterwards very much. Your knowledge of the field is surprising in one
so young, and from what I heard, exceeds that of my own man who is
perhaps past his prime.

As I told you yesterday, my income mainly comes from mining, but in the
last few Turns I have reached a situation in life where I can indulge my
interest in racing runners. I have identified some good land in my
territory, built a stable and acquired stock and hands, but so far, have
not achieved the success I looked for. Perhaps it is early days.

I wondered if you might consider employment with me? As an assistant and
stablehand, at first, but if your abilities match your promise, you
could go far.

Holder Beliron
Shadow Peak Hold"


Lorican turned over the papers, bewildered. So far, only a simple offer
of employment, a copy of a contract and references and some more letters
arranging transport for the new stable worker. A few brief notes with
instructions about the purchase of beasts, a warm congratulatory letter
on their first win. The writer was evidently well off, the paper good
quality, the handwriting neat and precise. While he could imagine why
his brother's shady creditors might be interested in a wealthy mining
hold, he couldn't tell how these letters in particular would be of any
use to them. Nor why they had been sent in a locked chest across the sea.

Had there been a mistake? Could he have been sent all this way,
committed a crime and been beaten half to death for nothing?



You'll perhaps think it strange that I'm writing to you when I could
just as easily send a drudge to summon you, or even walk over to your
room above the stables. We talked only yesterday, out at the runner
paddock, and I felt as easy with you as if we were of equal age and
rank, and had been friends all our lives. Yet somehow when I was there
with you, I couldn't find the words to tell you everything that was in
my heart. I couldn't ask you if what I saw in your eyes reflected my own
feelings as much as I hoped.

Even now, sitting in the quiet of my office, it's hard to express in ink
on paper what I mean. All the more so, as we both know how dangerous it
is. All my life I've held back, knowing I have responsibilities, to my
holders, my family, my children. But since I met you, and you came to my
hold, I've begun to wonder if just for once, I could take a risk.

If this means anything at all to you, can we meet again? This time,
perhaps I'll know how to tell you, clearly and without fear, what I've
been concealing so long.



"Dear Yulen,

It's very early and I'm sitting at the little table in my rooms, looking
out over the long rocky slope down to the river, watching the last rays
of moonlight rippling on the water. I've been up all night and yet I
don't feel tired at all. Over and over, I recall what we said to each
other yesterday evening, not just the words but every change of
expression and movement you made. Your hesitation. Most of all, the
moment when you suddenly looked up at me and you seemed to open up like
a flower, your eyes dark pools, your lips parted, the little quiver in
your throat.

I can't turn back. I want to see you again, to the place I showed you,
up near the waterfall that I found when I was a boy. Maybe even then I
knew how special it would be to me one day, that it would be where my
life would open up just like you did, and I would wonder how I ever
lived before.

I want to know more, to do more. To do everything.

Come tonight. I'll be waiting.



Sitting on the rumpled sheets of the bed in Jilmon's squalid room, the
raucous sounds of the tavern drifting up from two floors below, Lorican
let his eyes flicker over the words on the pages, catching a phrase or
two here and there as if he was afraid to look too closely. It felt as
though he was intruding on a very private, intimate moment. And with
that discomfort came a creeping sense of dread.

He knew, now, why the letters were so important. What the holder of a
rich mining hold, wealthy enough to afford racers and fine paper, with a
family and children, might do to keep them secret.

Last updated on the May 15th 2019

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