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Writers: Ames, Miriah, Suzee
Date Posted: 23rd March 2019

Characters: Wirnan, Bryvin, Yriadha
Description: Wirnan tells more of his tale to his cousin, but what secrets is he still keeping?
Location: Sunstone Seahold
Date: month 9, day 27 of Turn 9
Notes: Follows "Who is that Masked Man?"


It's been far too long, cousin," was all Wirnan could think of to say
as he embraced the man he'd grown up with.

After the hug the pair of cousins shared, Wirnan sank back down into
the seat with a heavy sigh. It had been a _long_ trip to get to this
point. He was sure his cousin had thousands of questions for him, and
he wasn't quite sure which he'd be willing to answer.

Rubbing the beard he now sported over his slightly gaunt cheeks with
one hand, Wirnan decided to wait and see what Bryvin would ask first.
He glanced around the room, checking out some of the darker corners.
It was a habit he'd grown so accustomed to he hardly noticed he was
doing it.

Bryvin knew that behavior as he was a practitioner himself. "You're
safe here Wirnan," he said and sat in the chair next to him rather
than back around in his normal seat behind the desk. "I've made sure
I'm safe here, so you are too." Just then a scratch came at the door.
"Come" Bryvin called and put a hand on Wirnan's arm to keep him in his

"Over there," he said to the drudges who came in with their heads down
and deposited a tray, the bottle of Blackberry brandy and a pot of

"Thank you," he said and escorted them back to the door. "Please let
the Headwoman know I will need her in about half a candlemark." They
nodded and left.

"So," he crossed to the tray. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

Wirnan tensed at the sound at the door. If Bryvin hadn't put his hand
on his arm, Wirnan might have leapt from his chair to escape. He let
his breath out as he watched the drudges place the trays and leave.

"Both," he finally replied. "Are you sure the Headwoman can be
trusted?" Wirnan, himself, wasn't so sure, but he _did_ trust Bryvin.
"It's been a long road for me to get here, cousin." He rubbed at his
grizzled jaw again.

"Yes," Bryvin smiled. He'd likely tell Wirnan all about it soon
enough. "She'll do as I ask. She has a vested interest in my good
will," his eyes twinkled as he brought a drink and a plate over.
"Now, tell me what's been going on."

Wirnan took the food and drink, downing the drink rather quickly. The
time aboard ship had not exactly made him want to eat or drink much.
He was slower with the food, taking a few bites.

"I don't think I know where to begin," Wirnan finally admitted. "It's
been a long Turn, that's for sure." He bit into the flesh of the meat
with fervor. "Perhaps I should ask you first, what have you heard?"

"That you were dead," Bryvin said with a smirk. "Obviously they were
wrong. There was also something about a woman who wasn't your wife.
Though I don't blame you there."

He snorted at that, "Well at least _part_ of the story they spread is
true. Problem is her husband wasn't too happy when he found her and I
together. Too bad she hadn't told me upfront about _him_ and his
rather untoward dealings." He paused, rubbing his knee as he recalled
that awful day. "Let's just say that _he_ won't bother me again, but
those that he led have been on my tail for revenge for quite some
time." Wirnan suppressed a shudder at the memory of that day. "I
thought it would blow over, at first, but they have been persistent."
He rubbed his hands over his face in weary frustration. "I miss having
a place to call home. I feel like I've been on the run, just getting
by, for too long."

"Then welcome to Sunstone, your new home," Bryvin smiled. "I also have
men who are very good at untoward dealings." His smile turned
predatory, "and woe to any of them who think they can reach anyone I'm
protecting." He smirked and lifted a brow. Wirnan had changed his
spots and Bryvin approved of the change however it had happened. He'd
done his share of suppressing unwanted behavior in others around him
so he didn't begrudge Wirnan in the least. In fact, he approved.

"I may bring trouble upon you and the Hold if I stay," Wirnan replied.
Making sure his cousin understood the problem. "I have used other
names in my dealings over the past Turn. Perhaps I should continue to
use a false name to better protect you all."

Yriadha softly rapped on the door and at the quiet assent from within,
she entered, closing the door behind her. Her eyes quickly flicked
over scruffy man with Bryvin before she gave a respectful curtsy. "You
asked for me, my Lord?" She stood straight, eyes observant but her
cool expression carefully hid any hint of curiosity.

"Yriadha," Bryvin nodded to her walking the tightrope of who knew what
about whom was going to get dicey unless he could convince Wirnan to
trust his people. Yriadha had earned his trust but he imagined that
would be some time coming for his Cousin. "This man is a relative of
mine. I won't be telling you more than that at this time, but he is
under my protection here at Sunstone. I want him to have a good room
and whatever care he needs." He turned toward Wirnan. "What kind of
cover story have you been using? We'll need some kind of explanation
for your presence."

"I've been acting as a fixer, by recommendation only. Holders,
traders and business owners have been requesting my," he paused,
looking to the headwoman, "skills, to help them with their ledgers."
He didn't want to outright say he'd been finding ways to help them
cheat and skirt their real duties so they could pocket extra marks.
He'd pocketed quite a few in reward for his skills in making it so no
one would find his adjustments. I've gone by a few names, but for now,
it's Narwan."

"Very well," Bryvin nodded again. "Yriadha, this is my... cousin
Narwan who has come to audit the Steward's books. Please make him
comfortable and give him access to the Steward's office at will." He
smiled at her knowing she'd have everything arranged as he wished in
short order. "He will also have access to me at any time. Please make
sure the guards are aware of this."

She didn't even blink at the oddness of the situation, nor the mention
of a cover story. She inclined her head. "I have just the room in
mind, my Lord. I will be sure to have it situated appropriately and
with a private bathing chamber. The staff will be made immediately
aware of his rights and privileges." She turned to "Narwan". "Shall I
have food sent to your room for now?"

"Yes, that would be good," Wirnan staid, rising. He winced a bit at
the pain in his leg. "I think I'd like to just rest for a bit. Then we
can chat more soon." He knew Bryvin would have many more questions for
him and while Wirnan trusted him completely, he wasn't sure if Bryvin
could really help solve the problems that continued to trail Wirnan on
his journey.

Last updated on the April 4th 2019

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