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Welcome to the Hall

Writers: Heather, Miriah
Date Posted: 14th February 2019

Characters: Endarin, Enamra
Description: Endarin meets the hall's newest resident.
Location: Dolphin Hall
Date: month 6, day 1 of Turn 9


Enamra wiggled her toes in the sturdy new shoes Jylanya had given her
and nervously rubbed her hand down the skirt of the plain blue dress
that she had also been given. She was proud of it and she now had
three others just like it, but in different colors. It was simple, but
she'd never had something so nice. The work wasn't bad either. It was
a lot of scrubbing and dishes, but she'd done that at home too. The
Hall was just bigger and needed more of it. And she had hot meals
every night and could take hot baths. She was more than grateful and
inwardly vowed to work as hard as she could to thank Jylanya for being
so nice to her.

She had been allowed to settle into her new position as a drudge
before being called to the Hallmaster's office. He'd been pointed out
to her in her first few days at Dolphin Hall and he was intimidating,
so being called to his office made her more than a little nervous. She
rapped on the open door, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she
fingered the skirts of her dress.

Jylanya had already briefed Endarin on the situation surrounding
Enamra, but the Hallmaster still felt that it was his job to speak
with the girl personally, since she would be taking up residence in
his Hall. "Come in," he called, and when the door opened he took in
her appearance, which had improved with the new, clean clothing and
shoes. She still looked like nothing more than a child, a very thin,
emaciated one at that. "Please, come in and have a seat," he tried to
pitch his voice to be "non-threatening" but he'd never been the quiet

"Yes, Hallmaster." She flicked a glance up, just for a moment, before
her eyes dropped back down and she hurried as quickly as her belly
would allow her. She sat in the indicated seat and twined her fingers
in her skirt nervously.

"It's nice to meet you formally, Enamra." He started by saying. "I
just wanted to get to know you a little better, since you will be
living here now."

She shifted nervously and plucked at her skirt, unsure of what to say
or even where to look. She kept her head down, but nodded, flicking
her gaze upwards for just a moment before deciding to have them settle
on her toes. "Jylanya said I could stay if I worked hard, Hallmaster,"
she started softly. "I can work. I don't mind."

"That's good to hear, Enamra." Endarin said, threading his fingers
together, eyes studying the way she kept her head ducked. "What kind
of work does the Headwoman have you doing?" he asked softly, hoping to
make her feel a little easier by talking about something neutral.

"I clean the dining hall and wash dishes. Sometimes I scrub floors and
hang up the washing. I already knew how to do all that, so I was able
to start helping right away, but Jylanya made me see the Healer and
sleep before I started."

"That's good," Endarin nodded. "What about your education? Can you
read and write?"

Enamra shook her head and shifted in discomfort. "No. My Papa said I
didn't need it and the closest Harper was too far away."

"Would you like to learn?" he asked.

What would she need it for? All she was ever going to do was clean and
she didn't need to know how to read or write for that. It wasn't like
she could get married now anyways. Enamra shook her head slowly. "I
guess I don't need to know that sort of stuff. Besides, I'm kinda
stupid and no one needs to waste their time on me for that."

Endarin thought the girl might be selling herself short, but he didn't
know her well enough to press. Perhaps he would talk to Jylanya about
it. "Well, if you ever change your mind, you would be welcome to take
some of the classes here to learn."

Enamra shrugged a little in response. "Thank you." She didn't figure
she'd ever need it. She continued watching her toes, watching the
shift in the fabric of her slippers change as she twitched them.

The Hallmaster took in a steadying inhale, since there was a question
he had to ask, but didn't want to, "Is there a father to your child
that will turn up trying to claim it?" He wanted to be prepared for
such a scenario.

Wide eyes flew up to his face for the first time and she seemed to
shrink in her chair. Her hands clutched at her skirts hard when she
looked back down, trying once again to hide her face behind it. Doroon
wouldn't care at all. He'd probably laugh like he had when he had
left. Laugh at her and laugh at the baby. All he had wanted was... she
shuddered at the memory. "No. He don't care at all."

Endarin nodded slowly, studying the striking change in Enamra's
countenance at the mere mention of the baby's father. His jaw
clenched, unable to comprehend how someone could do harm to a child,
because that's how he saw Enamra, like a child. "Okay, well, we will
be your family now at the Dolphin Hall. If you need anything, let us

"Okay." She continued to clutch her skirts, tense. "May...may I go now, sir?"

"Yes, you may go."

As quickly as she was able, Enamra pushed herself out of the chair and
scurried out of the door.

Last updated on the February 28th 2019

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