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Just a Bit of Fun

Writers: Estelle, Emma
Date Posted: 10th October 2018

Characters: K'sedel, R'fal
Description: R'fal makes a confession to K'sedel
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr
Date: month 9, day 1 of Turn 9


After the incident with the Candidates, R'fal had spent the whole
evening in an agony of suspense and dread, and had hardly touched his
dinner. He knew he ought to go and see the Weyrlingmaster straight away,
but he couldn't help putting it off. Why had he ever thought telling
those ridiculous stories would be a good idea?

As the other weyrlings left the dining cavern, cheerfully discussing
what they were going to do with their evening, he knew that if he waited
any longer, it would be too late. Steeling himself, he reached out to
Marlath, who was dozing on his couch in their weyr.

**Please would you ask Nikornath if his rider will see me this evening?
I have something to tell him.**

}: You are worried. :{ R'fal could sense the brown's concern, which only
made him feel even more guilty. }: Are you sure? :{

**Yes, I'm sure.** He sighed and rested his head in his hands. **It
can't be helped.**

}: All right. :{ After a moment, the response came back. }: Yes, he will
see you now, in his office. :{

R'fal had been half hoping that the Weyrlingmaster would be too busy for
him, even though it would only be delaying the inevitable. His heart
sank. **I'll be there, right away.**

K'sedel had left the door ajar, having an inkling of what might have
happened. "Is that you R'fal? Come in."

The weyrling entered the room and closed the door behind him - he
certainly didn't want anyone to overhear his disgrace. R'fal had never
been that good at hiding his feelings, and right now he had the
uncomfortable look of a little boy who'd been caught red-handed stealing
bubbly pies. "Thank you for seeing me, sir."

"Take a seat," K'sedel gestured to a chair. "Tell me what it is that's
bothering you."

"Well, it's more that I did something I shouldn't have." R'fal sat and
took a deep breath. "There were these two new Candidates, you see, and I
was asked to show them around the Weyr. So I did, and they were asking
me questions, and..." He hesitated, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
"It was just a bit of fun, sir."

"So you told them a story or two?" prompted K'sedel

The boy's eyes widened. Could the Weyrlingmaster have read his mind? Or
did he somehow know everything that his weyrlings did? The thought that
he might not be the first young person ever to spin a tall story for a
new arrival didn't cross his mind.

"I told them there was a bravery test at one of the Candidate classes,"
he admitted, deciding to get the less embarrassing story out of the way
first. "The one where we touch the eggs. I, uh, told them they would
have to put their hand in the queen's mouth to pass."

"And they believed you?" That was an old one, there were several
variants of it that always did the rounds any time there were eggs on
the sands, and there was always one candidate who asked about it before
going near the eggs. And some who needed to be reassured as a result.

"One of them did. I'm not sure about the other." R'fal remembered the
girl's sceptical look.

"What happened then?" K'sedel guessed that in an effort to be an
impressive figure R'fal had probably gone one step further.

"I said the test was important because the Weyrlingmasters are very
strict." He took a deep breath. There was no getting around it - he knew
the greenrider had heard the last part of his story. "I said that you
used to be..." The last word was spoken in such a low voice that it was
hard to make out.

"Used to be?" prompted K'sedel. It was no secret he'd been a Weyrleader
and a wingleader in the past, that would scare some into behaving.

"Pirates." R'fal hung his head. "I told them you were pirates, before
the Pass."

He couldn't help it, K'sedel threw his head back and laughed. That had
to be one of the more creative stories he'd heard.

The weyrling watched in astonishment. He'd expected to be shouted at, or
given a lecture at best...not this! "Weyrlingmaster? Am I in trouble?"

Gathering himself back together K'sedel began, "You're not in trouble,
yet." He paused. "R'fal, I understand that you wanted to impress the new
candidates, but there are ways and there are ways if you understand what
I mean. I want you to go and find them, and apologise and explain why
you told that story. I think they'll show you more respect for being
able to explain yourself to them."

"Well, I sort of did that already." R'fal decided he'd better admit to
the whole truth, even if the fact that he was only there because he'd
been caught wasn't exactly to his credit. "A greenrider overheard me
telling the story. When I realised she was there, I had to confess that
I was only teasing them, and I said I was sorry for it. But she also
said I had to tell you about it...or she would."

"I see," K'sedel said. "R'fal, it's fine to have fun sometimes, but as a
brownrider, people will be looking to you in the future for leadership.
One day, you could even be doing my job. And that calls for honesty, and
knowing where to draw the line. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I know I went too far." R'fal thought the idea of anyone
following his lead - let alone a whole class of weyrlings - was about as
likely as...well, as a pirate being named Weyrlingmaster, but he could
understand the general point K'sedel was making. "I am sorry. I won't do
it again, I promise."

"Now don't let me see you sent down here again," K'sedel said. "Go and
get back to your dragon."

"Yes, Weyrlingmaster." R'fal was up and out of the room as fast as he
could go, both mortified with embarrassment and relieved that at least
his ordeal was over. He would never tell a tall story to a newcomer
again, he promised himself. Or at least, he would take care to check
no-one in authority was listening when he did...

Last updated on the January 29th 2019

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.