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Worthy of Something

Writers: Eimi, Paula
Date Posted: 22nd December 2017

Characters: Aileyan, J'nev
Description: Aileyan and J'nev wonder if there might not be something more...
Location: Dragonsfall Weyr
Date: month 1, day 1 of Turn 9
Notes: Mentions: U'kaiah
Notes: Follows the Graduation Day storyline

There was a true swagger to his steps as J'nev rounded the corner
towards Aileyan's weyr. He had done it. J'nev had finally gotten his
revenge on U'kaiah. Sure the man tried to pretend that it didn't
hurt, but he could see the way his jaw tightened when he saw him.
Shards, it had almost been enough to make him ready for another round
right there and then in the hall! Now he couldn't wait to hear what
happened when he left.

Aileyan had oiled her flit, oiled and mended all her straps and was
now looking for something to do that would keep her occupied in her
weyr. She couldn't fetch Ravyan yet, he was still in harper lessons.
Normally, she would have enjoyed the day when drills ended early and
she had no duties assigned for rest of the day. But now, she just
wanted to avoid people, all people. She was having what could only
described as moral hangover. Getting revenge had been sweet when it
happened but it had soured very quickly. Wasn't that something her
mother would do? She was better person than that, wasn't she? So, she
was feeling pretty low.

J'nev gave the door a quick tap, but could not wait for a reply.
Peeking his head into the door with a grin he said, "And how are you
this fine day?"

"J'nev," Aileyan said with flat tone.

"Hi," he said as he slipped through the door. "So... How are things?"

Aileyan pondered how much she should tell him. They weren't exactly
best friends. "It's been better." she said finally..

"Oh?" J'nev asked, almost innocently. "Was he really mad?"

"Not really, more like disappointed. I just feel wretched doing that."

"Come on, now," he said, walking towards her. "He deserved that and
more after the way he left you."

"Maybe he deserved it. I still feel petty for doing it. Aren't I
really better than that?" Aileyan tried to explain. But she wasn't
that good with feelings in first place.

"Hey." He laid a hand on her shoulder. "You're a good person. Don't
let him make you doubt that. He's the wherry's ass who hurt you. You
have every right to show him just how he made you feel."

"Thanks," Aileyan said and meant it. There were moments when she
almost liked J'nev.

Seeing her so soft, vulnerable even, made J'nev feel suddenly very
protective of her. She seemed more like the girl he had hoped she
would be when he first met her in Cyan Wing. We had first met her, he
had felt drawn to her. As a Holdbred boy, jaded by the debauchery of
the Weyr that was so counter to everything he was raised to believe,
he had hoped to find in Aileyan a kindred spirit. But she had spurned
his every advance and had fallen into bed with the most notorious
ladies man in the Weyr. It had more than damaged his pride. It had
made him doubt that there were "good girls" to be had in a Weyr.

And yet, something about her self-doubt made him wonder if she really
was that nice girl after all. Could it be that the Hall-bred nice
girl he had wanted her to be was still in there? Perhaps it was only
U'kaiah's bad influence that changed her. Up until now, their
relationship had been all about sex because that's what he figured had
driven her to their Wingleader's bed. Why else would a good girl go
for the most infamous skirt chaser if not so she could brag that she
too had lifted her skirts for him. U'kaiah was a trophy many women
had claimed before her. It was all he was good for. Maybe she was
finally ready to see that. To want something... more. What if she
just needed the right man to show her how things _could_ be.

He wondered... Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers softly.

She let him kiss her, it was making her feel less like a despicable person.

That kiss almost felt as good as making the bronzerider jealous had.
Knowing that he was striking a blow against U'kaiah had made his
passion burn, but that sweet kiss just made his heart skip a beat. He
had shown U'kaiah he was the better man. Now it was time to live up
to it! His fingers rubbed the back of her neck as he kissed her
deeper, but slowly, begging her to respond in kind.

Aileyan just sighed and buried her face against his chest. Sometimes
being strong and independent just was too hard.

J'nev wrapped his arms around her, cradling her gently. **I can do
this.** Why couldn't they have more than just what she and U'kaiah
had? "It's all right, Aileyan. Everything will be ok. You'll see."

"I do hope so. I'm so tired of all this heart break and drama," she murmured.

"He's gone now." And J'nev was here. "You don't need him anymore."
**You can have me...**

"Am I foolish for wanting him back?" Aileyan asked. Maybe J'nev was
right and she should start to look for other options. But she really
wanted just a one man. One particular man with lot of other takers.

**Yes!** his mind screamed as he stiffened a little. Did she not
realize he was standing right there? No. She just couldn't see it
yet. Aileyan needed him to help her see it. "If he really wanted
you, why didn't he take you back with him?" J'nev leaned back and
held her and arms length to look her straight in the eye to be sure
she heard him. "Don't think for one moment that he didn't leave here
and tumble straight into his Weyrwoman's bed. She's the only one who
can give him what he really wants. And that makes _him_ the fool.
Not you."

His words hit right into her insecurities and jealous fears and it
showed from her expressive, large eyes. "Maybe you have a point," she
looked dejected. "Maybe he doesn't really love me."

Shards, that look really hit him in the chest. J'nev pulled her close
into another soft kiss. "Forget him," he whispered against her lips.

There was something comforting in J'nev's gentle kisses. Made her feel
there might be more than just sex between them, like she was worthy of

He took the fact that she was not pulling away as a good sign. "If
you ask me to stay, I'll stay..."

"Stay," Aileyan asked and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Last updated on the January 1st 2018

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