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Writers: Len, Paula
Date Posted: 4th May 2015

Characters: Uetia, J'nne
Description: Uetia ambushes Jayonne but things don't turn out as she planned them.
Location: River Bluff Weyr
Date: month 12, day 27 of Turn 7

The pregnancy was definitely playing tricks with Uetia's body. Ever since she passed the first trimester's mark, she had been feeling lustful. First she blamed Sirjath's approaching mating flight, then she just tried to ignore it. But the craving for sex just seemed to grow stronger. She didn't want to pick up some random man even if there was plenty of eager candidates to "scratch her itch". That's why she found herself she ambushing Jayonne after the evening meal. She literally grabbed him when he left the dining cavern.

"Whoa! I...uh...Uetia, nice to see you too." Jayonne good naturally let himself be manhandled by Uetia.

"Jayonne. I've missed your company," Uetia let go of him now that she had his attention.

"It's nice to be missed." He grinned at her, though in his mind he_was_thinking that he had seen and talked to her only a few days ago. "You okay?"

"No, not really. I need company, and my body fills me with strange urges," Uetia replied.

"Oh..." Jayonne's face went a beet red. "O-kay."

Uetia could read body language but she interpreted it thru pregnancy-hormones. "I disgust you, don't I?" she said with a disheartened sigh. "I'm getting so big and ugly." She was past the first half of her pregnancy, her stomach was bulging out, breasts grown and she had gained weight.

"Hey...hang on!" Jayonne linked his eyes in surprise. Wow, Uetia's moods could switch up fast these days! "Who said I find you big and ugly? Quite the opposite." He was classy enough not to point out that her figure was never better or her breasts so large.

"Your body," she replied. Indeed her moods keep swing from one end to the other one.

"My body was just responding to some random person grabbing me when all I was thinking of ding was going for lunch. That's all." To show her, he lightly wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side.

"I'm sorry, Jayonne, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologized and let her head rest against his. "I just need," she wasn't even sure what, besides sex. "Physical contact, closeness...something," she was frustrated by the way her body seemed to take over.

"Want to go for a walk? I know of a quiet little cove about three miles away." He held her tight.

"Okay, sounds good," Uetia agreed. Maybe little exercise would help, although, since she was grounded from Falls, all she did in her free time was exercise.

"Is Sirjath around? Maybe we can even have a picnic there, and some quiet time."

"She's sleeping," Uetia said and her eyes had the distant look of dragonrider communicating with her lifemate. "And complaining because I just woke her up."

"She can go back to sleep in a short time." Jayonne laughed and kissed Uetia on the head. "You stay here and don't excert yourself, I'll run and get everything we need. Any food requests?"

"Anything that isn't fish or strongly fragrant," Uetia replied. Some smells just made her stomach churn. Like fish, and she liked fish.

"Okay, be right back!"


Uetia groaned a bit when she settled down to sit on the blanket spread to the shade of the trees that surrounded the cove. Things hadn't turned out as she had thought they would be, but this turn of event was nice one, or would be as soon as her back would stop aching. Somehow the actions of sitting down and getting up were the worst.

Instinctively Jayonne reached out and began rubbing the small of her back. She looked so worn out, the poor girl. "So are you ready to eat, or would you just rather sit and get comfortable?"

Just as Uetia was getting comfortable and relaxed, the baby started to kick her in earnest.

Last updated on the May 14th 2015

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