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Uegot's Stories (1 - 19, most recent first)

On board
Uegot gets tempeted with a job. Away from his family.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uegot, Aillor

First attempt
Fymer first try for female companionship doesn't go so well.
Writers: Eimi, Paula
Characters: Fymer, Kiomo, Nerylyn, Uegot

Moving in
Uegot is moving in and meets Kiomo.
Writers: Eimi, Paula
Characters: Uegot, Kiomo

What now?
Various people are moving to new directions.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Nerylyn, Taren, Drumilla, Milga, Tamah, F'dal, G'el

Coming Home
The Hallmaster checks in on one of his journeymen.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Nerylyn, Uegot

Just temporarily
Ueltin remembers why he's still at the seacraft hall.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Uegot, Ueltin

Family United
Disaster brings family members back together.
Writers: Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Ueltin

Storm Warning
There is a storm approaching.
Writers: Devin, Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Kaphrad, Uegot

A Man I Can Trust
Kaphrad recruits Uegot for an important cause.
Writers: Devin, Paula
Characters: Kaphrad, Uegot

A Problem
Uegot tells his sister about the strange drudge from the hurricane being a possible HAD and she calls in Jaylene.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Uetia, Uegot, Jaylene, Nerylyn

The Kindness of Strangers
Lafael seeks shelter from the hurricane.
Writers: Len, Paula
Characters: Lafael, Uegot, Nerylyn, Uelyn

A Parent Panic
Uegot loses one of his kids.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Uegot, Nerue

Coal Caves
The first shipment of coal from Iron Lake arrives.
Writers: Devin, Chelle, Paula
Characters: Uegot, Relik, Kaphrad

Happy to Help
Relik checks out how Uegot is doing.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Uegot

Plans for the Day
Uegot and Nerylyn and their children go for picnic for his birthday.
Writers: Ames, Paula
Characters: Uegot, Nerylyn, Gotner, Lyngot

Worth Nagging
Uegot and Kaphrad talk what the journeyman's current duties are
Writers: Devin, Paula
Characters: Uegot, Kaphrad

The More The Merrier
More of Relik's personnel begins to arrive at the Hall.
Writers: AL, Ames, Devin, Chelle, Paula
Characters: Relik, Aini, Kaphrad, Uegot, Nerylyn

Kid Time
Parale meets the seacrafter when she goes to get the girls.
Writers: Chelle, Paula
Characters: Parale, Uegot

New Arrivals
Uegot and his family arrive to Sunstone Seahold
Writers: Ames, Paula
Characters: Uegot, Nerylyn, Gotner

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2013, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern© is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.